Are you the primary caregiver?

In most families, there is one person who takes on the lion’s share of caring for an aging loved one. Perhaps it’s the oldest daughter. Or the emotionally closest child. Or maybe it’s the geographically closest relative. And when there are no siblings, it’s usually the only child. Being primary can be quite a job.…

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Dry eye syndrome

Our eyes show us the world. If something goes wrong with them, it can affect our total well-being. Dry eye syndrome makes eyes feel gritty, burning, itchy, and sensitive—discomforts that are hard to ignore! It typically manifests with age and affects as many as 30% of older adults. What to do if your loved one…

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When an adult child asks for money, it’s hard to say no. You want to respond to a need. But perhaps your child perceives that you don’t need all you have, or that they’re simply requesting some of their inheritance, just a bit early. Before you answer, ask for time to think it over. You…

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Cold weather safety tips for indoors

The dangers of cold weather are obvious outdoors. But there are dangers indoors, too, most often because the house thermostat is set too low. People can die from being too cold. Older adults are especially at risk. Signs of low body temperature (hypothermia). Shivering is the body’s first response to cold. Later symptoms include stiff…

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Healing torn relations

Take any roomful of people and likely two-thirds of them have relatives who aren’t talking to each other. Families are messy. Hurts abound. Some people wait until a serious diagnosis to reconcile. They often regret the years of separation they can never retrieve. Others try forgiveness earlier in the process. There’s no right or wrong.…

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The grandparent–grandchild relationship can be precious, like no other. But even young children notice if Grandma or Grandpa isn’t acting the way they used to, or the same way others do. And they will have questions. “Why does he keep calling me by Dad’s name?” “She just asked that question five minutes ago!” Respond to…

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If you expect older visitors this season, check your home for hazards. Older adults often have impaired balance and vision. This makes them prone to falling, especially in new surroundings. And fragile skin and bones can mean double trouble if someone does take a spill. Here are some tips: Home entryEarly darkness and wet walkways…

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Taking the right medicines at the right time is extremely important to health management. But 75%­­–96% of older adults admit that they frequently make mistakes with their medication. Is your loved one among them? There are many reasons why a person might not take their medicines as directed. “Forgetting” is one of the most common.…

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Adding smart home safety features

You probably already have some “smart” features in your home. For instance, a thermostat you can program for a higher temp during the day and lower at night. Perhaps it has remote capabilities, so you can make changes from afar. Or sensors, such as garden sprinklers that shut off when it’s raining, or outdoor lights…

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Gifts for those with memory loss

Deciding what holiday gifts to give a person with memory loss can be challenging. Following are some tips to share with family members. The gift of time A special date to share cookies and send holiday cards to others Attending seasonal music events Caroling together A person with early-stage memory loss is often still striving…

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