Elderly woman with white hair and glasses, wearing a brown jacket and a blue scarf, smiles while sitting in the driver's seat of a car. The background is softly blurred, suggesting a bright, sunny day.

Older drivers are generally more cautious, but also more vulnerable to injury during a crash. Good news: Keeping your relative safe on the road may be easier than you think. But it could require upgrading to a newer car. Choosing the right car features can improve safety, comfort, and ease of use—and reduce risk for…

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We come into the world with an immediate need for touch—to feel safe and comforted. Touch is often described as our “first language,” and it remains essential throughout life. In our elder years, our other senses diminish (sight, hearing, smell, taste), giving touch extra importance. Think of your loved one: Has widowhood or isolation left…

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Perhaps you are looking forward to visiting relatives this holiday season. If your loved one has dementia, however, consider their condition a “third guest” with very particular needs to be addressed. Here are tips for a smoother visit: Planning to travel this holiday season?There are many ways to prepare ahead of time so your loved…

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Thank you" is written in the wet sand on a beach, with gentle waves approaching the shore under a clear sky.

Many of us regard the Thanksgiving holiday as an annual opportunity for counting our blessings. There’s good reason for practicing the giving of thanks throughout the year: Research suggests that cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” is associated with Gratitude is a choice. You don’t have to feel deep gratitude welling up in your heart. It’s…

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“Frailty” used to be a rather vague description, like “old age.” Currently, however, it is recognized as a cluster of conditions that deserves medical attention. The following are signs of frailty: Between 5% – 17% of older adults can be considered “frail.” There is a continuum of frailty from “prefrail” to late stage. Frail individuals…

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A nurse pushes an elderly man in a wheelchair. The man wears a light blue shirt and has white hair. The nurse, in blue scrubs, holds the wheelchair's handle. The background is softly lit by natural light through sheer curtains.

Imagine that your relative goes to the hospital for an outpatient procedure. That’s no big deal. But their blood pressure skyrockets during the event. So the hospital decides to keep your family member overnight for monitoring. They have a bed and receive meals. You might readily assume they’ve been admitted as an inpatient. In this…

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A towering stack of dirty dishes and bowls, heavily soiled with remnants of food, sits on a cluttered wooden table. Sunlight streams through a window, illuminating the chaotic scene of mealtime aftermath.

For family caregivers, the prospect of the holiday season is often more daunting than delightful. How do you decide what to keep and what to trim away? Prioritize activities with people you enjoy. Spend time with those who nourish your soul rather than those who criticize or deplete you. Focus on what gives meaning to…

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Living with stiff or arthritic hands can significantly diminish joy, confidence, and freedom. Among those over age eighty-five, about half of all women and one-quarter of all men are afflicted with the pain of osteoarthritis in the hands. To support your loved one’s independence, try these expert hacks and gadgets: Equip the kitchen. Look for…

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If you are caring for a relative with serious health problems, you are probably in unfamiliar territory. For most of us, the shaky feelings of uncertainty are very unpleasant. We feel vulnerable outside our comfort zone. We worry we will do something wrong. According to noted researcher Dr. Brené Brown, to protect ourselves we often…

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Inflammation is the way the immune system attacks bacteria, viruses, and any perceived foreign agent in the body. It’s crucial when we need it! Think of inflammation as sending soldiers onto a battlefield. You need to fight the invaders, but also clean up afterward so life can get back to normal. As we age, our…

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