Why Choose AWE?
“Thank you for making the lives of everyone in our family easier and less stressed.”
Those words were written by a long-time client’s daughter in 2013, but they are sentiments that are expressed to our dedicated aging life care managers every day. Our company’s unique history, combined with the diverse backgrounds and expertise of our fourteen care managers, creates a very special team of professionals to guide and support our aging adult clients and their families. As an attorney responsible for one of our clients wrote about one of our care managers “You are a wonder! No matter what’s thrown at you, I’ve never heard you to complain or get discouraged. I’d love to see your job description. Every time I read one of your messages, I wonder what (we) would have done without you!”

Our Debbie’s Angels program is equally special. We never advertised for companions, instead each of them contacted us and wanted to become a part of our team. All of our fourteen “Angels” graduated from college and most of them also have masters’ degrees in a variety of fields from fine arts, to nursing home administration, gerontology and social work. Each of them expressed to us their interest in enriching the life of aging adults through one-on-one activities and the diversity of their backgrounds allows us to make very special matches between our clients and their “Angels.” Our companions share their love of music, poetry, gourmet cooking and exploring art museums with our clients every week. One of our client’s daughters emailed her mom’s “Angel” the following message, “I have to tell you that you are making a difference. I called Mom yesterday around 10:30 AM and she was animated, funny, and close to her old self.”
Our longevity has allowed us to develop strong relationships with our clients, their families and other professionals serving aging adults in the metro DC area. We have been honored to serve multiple members of the same family, maintaining relationships with some families for more than 20 years. Whether we are providing comfort, reassurance and advocacy to a client in the hospital or helping them to celebrate a birthday, showing a client a video of their faraway great-grandchild on an ipad or matching them with a companion or caregiver, it is our relationships that allow us to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.