Elderly man wearing a surgical mask looking through a window with a hopeful expression, hands gently touching the glass.

In the context of COVID, many families are wondering if an older relative would be better off moving out of their assisted living, memory care, or skilled nursing facility. It’s not an easy question to answer. The advantages of facility living. Facilities have staff on site 24/7 to assist with residents’ needs. They can provide…

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Bronze sculpture of a group of soldiers, one in the foreground holding a helmet, with others behind holding guns against a cloudy sky backdrop.

Close to 2 million American soldiers fought in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. More than half of those who served in what is often called the “Forgotten War” are still alive. Most of these soldiers were born during the 1920s and 1930s. They are now in their 80s and 90s, with some cresting…

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A close-up of a rippling united states flag, showing alternating red and white stripes and a blue field filled with white stars, symbolizing the american flag.

As we age, we find ourselves requiring different types of help. Medical needs are typically covered by Medicare. But many of us come to need assistance that is nonmedical in nature (e.g., help bathing or dressing). We have to be prepared to pay for this kind of assistance out of pocket, on our own. If you…

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Three colorful puzzle pieces in green, yellow, and red, featuring a happy face, a question mark, and a sad face, connected in a row.

Caring for a family member often involves collaborating with other relatives. Sometimes you will agree. Sometimes you won’t. Debating every item may not be the best use of family time. In some situations, the wisest course is to be quiet and let others do it their way. That said, there are times when you should…

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A tricolor australian shepherd dog with a black, white, and tan coat lying down, looking at the camera with a friendly expression, isolated on a white background.

Increasingly, research shows that older adults can benefit in myriad ways from the companionship of an animal. Physical health benefits Pets seem to help us stay calm in the midst of stress: Reduced blood pressure and heart rate. Some research shows improvement even when the “pet” is fish swimming in an aquarium! Strengthened immune system.…

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A woman with red hair, wearing a white shirt and dark shorts, squatting by a grave in a sunny cemetery filled with well-maintained graves and green grass.

Between travel concerns and restrictions on group gatherings, holding a traditional funeral can be challenging. Many families are turning to “virtual funerals” using video conferencing programs, such as Zoom. About 20% of funeral homes offer virtual services. And there are online companies that specialize in funerals. They assist with everything from sending out invitations and…

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An elderly woman's hand extended towards the camera with a blurred face in the background, symbolizing a stop or a cautious gesture.

Arthritis is a difficult condition to understand as an onlooker. The pain is invisible and unpredictable. Some days are good. Other days are not. Arthritis challenges the affected person’s ability to accomplish the basics—simple tasks, such as opening jars or walking up stairs. Such disability can generate feelings of frustration and low self-worth. The chronic…

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A cheerful middle-aged woman wearing a green headscarf and a white shirt, resting her chin on her crossed arms, smiling warmly at the camera.

Life with a serious illness is not all dreary and glum. The condition and its symptoms can certainly take over. But daily life continues. And patients are more than their disease. Like everyone, they need to eat, walk, talk with friends and family, and enjoy pleasant activities. Palliative care is an extra layer of support. Its…

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A colorful spinning top on a wooden floor, with soft lighting enhancing its red, green, and blue colors.

Many people confuse mindfulness with meditation and Eastern religions. Mindfulness is a skill gained by training your mind to observe life situations in a less emotionally charged way. It is a mental skill that gives you a less-cluttered perspective. It lowers daily stress and is particularly helpful when making important decisions under duress. Mindfulness is…

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An elderly man wearing a beret and a sweater, with his face partially covered by his hands, appears in deep thought or distress.

Dementia itself does not cause physical pain. But people with dementia still encounter pain, just like anyone else: headaches, arthritis, tummy aches. They just can’t describe it. They might even deny having pain when you ask because they don’t understand the question. Learn the nonverbal signs of pain so your loved one doesn’t suffer. (Your…

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