Care Management Blog

A glowing white electrocardiogram (ECG) line forms the shape of a heart in the center, set against a blue grid background. The line shows typical peaks and troughs of a heartbeat.

Early signs of heart failure

February 17, 2020

Too often, older adults assume that fatigue and trouble breathing are just a natural part of aging or being out of shape. They aren’t. In fact, these can be early signs of heart failure. Heart failure means the heart is having difficulty pumping effectively. As a result, fluids build up, especially in the lungs and…

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Two shiny, red heart-shaped objects resting close together on a textured, rustic wooden surface, symbolizing love or romance. The hearts have a glossy finish and are slightly tilted toward each other, creating a warm and affectionate atmosphere.

Caring for your marriage, also

February 10, 2020

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, it’s a good time to consider strategies to prevent your partner from getting overlooked because of your caregiving. Caring for an aging relative definitely affects your ability to nurture your significant other. A poll at revealed that 81% of family caregivers say caregiving tested their marriage in ways…

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Silhouettes of birds perched on parallel wires against a backdrop of a large setting sun. One bird sits alone on the far left wire while a group of birds congregates on the right. The sky displays a soft gradient from orange to blue as day turns to dusk.

When is your loved one “too isolated”?

February 3, 2020

When caregiving draws us closer to a family member’s routines, we’re sometimes surprised by what we find. Perhaps you’ve noticed that Dad only leaves the house once or twice a week. Social isolation has been shown to be a risk factor for many conditions. Depression. Heart disease. Obesity. Dementia. Should you be concerned? Not necessarily.…

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A close-up of a dandelion seed head with most seeds drifting away against a black background, leaving the stem and a few remaining seeds behind. The scene highlights the delicate, wispy texture of the floating seeds.

Immediately after a death

January 27, 2020

Upon a loved one’s last breath, you may find yourself a little disoriented. Respect that otherworldliness. Families often just sit in silence for a while. Or share chuckles and sweet memories, tears and hugs. There is no need to rush to call the funeral director. A body can safely remain at home—or in a facility’s…

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A pie chart titled "Continuing Care Retirement Community" is divided into four equal sections, each labeled: Independent Living (top left, orange), Assisted Living (top right, blue), Memory Care (bottom left, light red), and Skilled Nursing (bottom right, teal).

What is a “CCRC?”

January 21, 2020

A CCRC, or continuing care retirement community, answers the desire to “move just once.” Rather than relocate several times over the course of aging, your loved one can stay on one campus. Even as care needs change. Typically, residents start by moving in to an independent living unit with no support services. When help is…

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Close-up of a vintage compass displaying intricate black patterns and decorative elements on its face. The needle points slightly off-center, and the design includes fleur-de-lis and elongated star shapes. A metallic rim encircles the compass.

Adding meaning to your life

January 13, 2020

Each new year’s dawning seems like a nudge to check one’s personal compass. Are you headed in the direction you want to be going? Has life seemed just a frenzied dash through the to-do list? Or maybe your past year was dominated by feelings of frustration or futility. Perhaps you yearn for a sense of…

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An elderly man with gray hair wearing a white shirt is shown in profile from the waist up, shouting. Various letters of the alphabet are coming out of his mouth, gradually increasing in size and scattering in different directions, symbolizing communication.

What is a speech therapist?

January 6, 2020

For many of us, the words “speech therapy” make us think of a classmate in grade school who had trouble because of stuttering. In fact, speech therapists help with many problems that crop up later in life. Consider stroke, Parkinson’s, dementia, and brain injury. All these disorders can affect a person’s ability to find and…

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An elderly man wearing a dark fedora and a grey suit jacket, with a white shirt underneath, is looking directly at the camera. The background is a plain grey. His expression is neutral.

Dad lost weight!

December 30, 2019

A holiday visit sometimes reveals surprising changes, such as little food in the cupboard, a loved one’s loss of appetite, or his or her unexpected weight loss. Talk with the doctor first. A weight loss of 5% over 6–12 months is considered worthy of medical attention. (For a 130-pound woman, that would be seven pounds.…

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A serene landscape at dusk with a purple and golden sky, reflecting on a calm lake. The surrounding hills and distant mountains create a symmetrical reflection in the water. The scene exudes tranquility and natural beauty.

Overcoming sadness

December 23, 2019

Whether you are caring for a loved one with dementia or helping a relative with cancer, sometimes the sadness of it all feels overwhelming. Especially at the holidays. The sadness is natural, of course. But you don’t want to get paralyzed by it. Pivoting from the sadnessAs family caregivers, we need to learn how to…

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